Brand Videos: Why Your Company Should Create and Share Them
Business projects are increasingly replacing long marketing texts with short brand videos. However, the business should take into account that the audience has long been fed up with intrusive commercials. Therefore, there is the reason to find out more about branded content video production which is devoid of the disadvantages of traditional advertising.
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What Is Branded Video?
Video can be branded not only because it contains a reference to the brand. Its main difference is that the goal of brand video marketing is to create a certain emotional background that will be associated with the brand, establish contact with the target audience and form a positive perception of the brand. There is no direct advertising, but there are useful information and brand references. For example, brand launch video does not speak directly about the benefits of the product – the descriptions of the benefits are neatly written into useful and interesting content for the user.
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Main Reasons to Create Brand Videos
Here are the reasons that make brand video production an effective solution and reasonable investment.
- Brand videos attract attention. This content is vivid and memorable, and the main characters are often typical representatives of the target audience or people of interest. The relevant problems and issues to which the target audience is not indifferent are in the center of the plot. All this attracts attention and causes interest.
- Brand videos always share useful information. Unlike advertising, in the case of brand videos users do not mind watching some useful and interesting content, they subscribe to newsletters and updates, wait for new series and posts. This kind of video is not annoying. Users do not try to scroll through, skip or block it, as they usually do with advertising. This means that the content is likely to reach the target audience.
- Brand videos form the trust. Regular contact with the audience and clear messages in the plot form the credibility of the brand. People begin to appreciate the brand, consciously and subconsciously associating it with the received emotions and impressions.
- Brand videos have wide coverage. Branded content is viral – it is shared on social networks, users tell friends about it, it is viewed at lunchtime in offices. Thus, it is possible to reach the potential target audience.
Summing Up
Brand video can integrate brand and information (entertainment) content. This forms the desired perception of the brand and provides a wide reach and retention of the audience.
Moreover, branded video is often used as a long-term campaign of the brand’s content strategy. Already now Blue Carrot creates a branded video production for SaaS and add this channel of communication with your customers to your online marketing strategy!
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Make sure to contact our branded video content agency to start working on your clip already today 👇