
7+1 key benefits of video marketing for business

Aug, 16, 2021
Senior Account Executive


The possible outcomes of marketing campaigns are what worry every business owner. How to make sure that the minimum investment generates maximum returns? For many, however, creating business videos to support marketing campaigns might not seem to be a good fit for the ‘lowest investment/highest return’ dilemma, since videos can be quite costly to produce.

👉 But, what if we say that the outcomes that businesses get with marketing videos — and the use of video marketing, as a whole — can outweigh any initial investments by an extremely large margin?

In this article, we will shed some light on the benefits of video marketing for growing businesses and established companies, and how brands can use video marketing for greater customer engagement and increased sales 🚀


  1. Why Does Your Business Need Video Marketing?
  2. 7 Benefits of Video Marketing for Your Business [+1 Bonus]
  3. Conclusion
  4. How Can Blue Carrot Help?


Why Does Your Business Need Video Marketing?

Business is always about sales and customer experience, with the latter constantly affecting the former. In order to buy from a company, any potential customer passes through several stages in the Sales Funnel: Awareness → Interest → Decision → Loyalty. Here, business videos serve as a booster or “unique experience” which moves buyers from one stage to another. 

You may ask “Can’t we move customers down the sales funnel without video marketing?” Yes, you can. But incorporating business videos in your marketing strategy will allow you to do this 1) much faster, and 2) with fewer resources spent in the long run. 

This is what makes the use of business videos so popular across businesses of all scales — and results in an effective increase of conversions on all levels of the Sales Funnel.


Now, let’s talk numbers. Here’s a bit of statistical information to give you a general picture of the benefits of video marketing for business:

Still not convinced about the advantages of video marketing for your business? 🙂 Let’s then review the key benefits of using video for marketing in a bit more detail.


🥕 How much does a video cost – the most comprehensive article on pricing 

🥕 Choosing a suitable video style 

🥕 Typical mistakes when ordering the first video 

7 Benefits of Video Marketing for Your Business [+1 Bonus]

1️⃣ Videos are easier to consume (compared to other forms of advertising)

In a world full of dense informational nose, where individuals are snowballed with thousands of ads (in the US alone, for example, people are exposed to 4,000-10,000 ads on a daily basis), the ability to deliver information to an end-user in a way that is easy to consume is vital. 

Taking into account such huge data avalanches, it’s no wonder that users have become immune to most types of digital advertising. While textual ads and pop-ups are most likely to be skipped immediately, videos still have a high probability of getting noticed.

An interesting clip with a novel concept behind it can pique people’s interests, and make them share, comment, and react to it. Business videos that follow extraordinary concepts can go viral, no matter the length — whether it is a short ad or a minute-long animation video, like the one we did for GIN:


👉 Note, however, that the choice of length for a product video still depends on several factors. To get more information in that regard, make sure to review our article about video length practices. If you want to know more about the production process itself and about some other video marketing benefits for business, make sure to download our guide:


2️⃣ Provokes emotions and enhances viewing experience

Video marketing is effective because it literally sets your ideas and campaign messages in motion. It adds dynamic to the way we consume information with the help of moving images or real-life shots. Music, combined with a voiceover and moving graphics in an animation video, boosts the overall impression.

When it comes to animation videos specifically, the creators can display whatever they want. A 30-storey building? Ancient Rome? An environment that has never existed? No problem. By using modern tools, designers can draw and animate absolutely anything, thus providing viewers with a truly exceptional and enhanced video experience — one that can hardly be achieved solely via textual content or still imagery. 

3️⃣ Nurtures consumer trust and credibility

One of the main advantages of video marketing (over other forms of advertising) is that videos can trigger strong emotions. When watching video ads, users witness events and characters and relate themselves to them. The better developed the characters are, the deeper viewers get drawn into the story they see on-screen.

This level of involvement creates a bond between the individual and the brand, raising credibility and the willingness of a customer to buy a product from a particular company. When it comes to buying decisions, business videos are the only tools that can help companies display physical products and their features in perfect detail.

Being honest and transparent about your offerings helps to build trust in your customers. If you are eager to know how to create business videos that would allow you to achieve this, download our video production guide 👇


4️⃣ Boosts brand awareness

Business videos — especially those accompanied by custom-made animation — are great ways to stand out from the competition. Developed with the company’s branding colors and identity in mind, they are able to effectively convey your main messages and vision.

Aside from that, video marketing helps to form your brand image in the mind’s of potential customers, thus making them move down the sales funnel much faster. All that with lesser acquisition expenses on your end, since videos get 1,200% more in social shares compared to text and visuals combined.

5️⃣ Improves SEO

This is not one of the most obvious benefits of video marketing for small businesses or large ones; however, that doesn’t make it less important. Not only do professionally developed business videos boost viewing experience, they also make video users stay longer on a page to watch the whole ad. Eventually, search engines will start to notice that people are spending more time on your website, and start to push your website higher in SERP.

👉 But that’s not the only reason. If you manage to create a video that goes viral, you get a pretty high chance of earning more backlinks, without any extra cent spent in this area. Everybody starts to talk about your video, and share it on their resources. Ultimately, this will enhance your backlink profile, as well.

6️⃣ Opens up new advertising channels

To this day, many businesses are still limited with the range of channels they normally advertise through. Normally, these would be industry standards that prevent companies from discovering new opportunities. It may also be due to the fact that companies are unsure whether their audience can be anywhere else outside the printed media (take traditional industries such as manufacturing or banking, for example). 

In reality, however, by following tried-and-true advertising methods, the businesses artificially narrow their market reach and pool of potential clients. With the help of video marketing, these boundaries can be destroyed. Today, when creating business videos, professional production teams can describe even the most complex subjects in simple terms and in a way that is fully understandable for an average viewer, thus opening up new advertising channels like YouTube or Vimeo.

👉 To back this statement up, take a look at the video done by our team that clearly describes the cumbersome specifics of gas transportation system operations:

7️⃣ Provides marketing teams with tons of reusable content

When creating animation videos, production teams come up with lots of assets — visuals, graphs, illustrations, textual content, character portraits, infographics, etc. Once a promotional campaign is over, marketers can repurpose some of the video’s assets to add to presentations, booklets, or even incorporate it into website design.

Talking about reusable content, companies may also want to come up with a shorter version of a developed business video. That means that, at the request of a client, the production team can break down a two-minute long video into a few shorter clips so that client can use them on social media, for email marketing campaigns, etc.

In addition to a ready-made video, clients can buy out all associated assets from a video production team for an additional fee. In some agencies, the buy out fee can measure up to 50% of the final price of a business video. At Blue Carrot, however, clients can get all the corresponding video content (animations and the illustrations) for a 30% fee.

👉 If you’d like to know how the animation video production pricing is formed in general, you can review our explainer video production pricing article where we discuss all the aspects that affect the final price tag.

8️⃣ It’s a long-lasting investment

Unlike other forms of advertising that normally communicate the ‘here-and-now’ needs (limited time, shopping, specialty offerings, upsales), business videos can be developed to carry out a long-lasting effect. 

Built to represent brand or product features, they can be used across a vast variety of communication channels — in addition to websites, social media, email newsletters, these can also include webinars, offline presentations, conferences, business meetings, etc.

👉 This effect can be especially effective with explainer and social videos — those that not only demonstrate a product, but also educate viewers on a certain subject. A wide range of topics can be covered with the help of such videos — from something simple like postal systems of the ancient world:

👉 To more complex projects like the one our team did for an NGO:

A well-developed business video which, aside from promoting a product or service, also carries particular value for a viewer, will age much slower compared to junk advertising❗️

These were the eight main points that we wanted to cover in order to answer the question: ‘what are the benefits of video marketing?’



Video marketing has already become a common approach for the business community, bringing some unique benefits that weren’t available with other — more traditional — forms of online and offline marketing. Video marketing for business owners can produce not only measurable outcomes but also those that affect brands indirectly.

If you are looking forward to creating your own marketing video, make sure you contact the right video agency that has great expertise and a good portfolio to back that expertise. You are also welcome to contact our team for any questions you might need answers to!


🥕 Boosting sales for AUKA app with our minimalistic video 

🥕 Stylish video for promoting DreamCo agency 

🥕 Increasing landing page conversions with our video for Scrathpay startup

How Can Blue Carrot Help?


An out-of-the-box type of explainer video that was produced by Blue Carrot for ONFO a cryptocurrency service that is distributed via a ‘network-mining’ method. With this project, our primary objective was to present viewers with something fresh and innovative. Something revolutionary that will have a high chance of going viral. The set goal was successfully met: the video fired up social media, and generated 100,000 organic views on Facebook in just three days!

🔹 Scratchpay

A 63-second business video done by Blue Carrot for Scratchpay — a financial service that allows pet owners to split medical bills into smaller payments. Since the target audience of this video were veterinarians who were expected to offer their client base (pet owners) to opt for this service, our goal was to depict all the product benefits and financial details in a clear and understandable way. With this project, we got quite impressive results for the client: the average engagement rate for this video reached 86%, play rate — 34%, and CTA clicks — 8.5%. 

🔹 ProSal

An explainer video created by our team at the request of the client to describe the benefits of ProSal — a newly developed compensation method for veterinarians. The goal of the video was to show how the proposed system is different from the traditional methods of calculating compensation. In less than 90 seconds, we were able to demonstrate the advantages of ProSal via smooth animation and engaging characters.

👉 If you’re still wondering about the importance of video marketing for your business, or want to know how videos can benefit your marketing and sales teams, contact us. We’ve been producing professional animation videos since 2014 for a vast variety of niches and markets: Fintech, EdTech, Healthcare, Blockchain, Manufacturing, and more!


🥕  Check out what Blue Carrot has to offer. 


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